The Risk and Response of Bioweapons

By the london school of economics and political science

Anthrax, smallpox, plague: biological weapons provoke a special fear in us. They are proven to be especially lethal in comparison to conventional weapons.

In this film, Dr Lentzos, a senior researcher with BIOS – LSE’s centre for the study of bioscience – explains why the US Government, along with the security and pharmaceutical industries, have an interest in nurturing a culture of fear concerning a biological weapons attack.

She also argues that the US governments response to the risk of an attack may have, ironically, actually increased the threat of such an attack.

Dr Lentzos works on strengthening the UN Biological Weapons Convention. She is currently working with governments on increasing transparency and building confidence between states that no offensive weapons programmes are being developed.

Image provided by the london school of economics and political science.

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