How To Quit Procrasti-Facebook-ing
The author of The Power Of Habit, Charles Duhigg explains how using 5 minutes every hour can accomodate that need of procrastinating. Ignoring the urge of procrastination while working can all of a sudden cause it to go haywire–you tell yourself a few minutes and it turns into a few hours.
Duhigg suggests scheduling in a procrastination time, as no work reward can take place of that impulse. However, over time, the more you focus, the more focus becomes a habit. Letting yourself practice going longer without Facebook creeping, will lead to less. Don’t expect a huge change over night, but eventually it will build neural pathways for certain behaviour.
Image provided by Times NewsFeed
Sourced: BigThink
Curated: Online Editor Aryssah Stankevitsch @stnkvtsch
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