
Loaded on Pills

In the United States, you can send your prescription to Medco Health Solutions, a company that serves the needs of more than 65 million people, and have antidepressants delivered. Medco made more than $59.8 billion in 2009 ’ that’s more than three times the total GDP of Nicaragua. Medco refused to disclose specifics about the revenue made from antidepressant sales.

Dr. David Muzina, National Practice Leader for Medco’s Neuroscience Therapeutic Resource Center, says Medco’s claim records detect when someone falls off therapy or compliance with medication. A highly trained pharmacist may reach out to the patient and begin a consultation over the phone.

Dr. Muzina says antidepressant medication strategies should be looked at carefully. The prescription of a one year long antidepressant supply is a common mistake. After one starts antidepressant therapy, doctors should schedule about 7 follow-up appointments with the patient. Dr. Muzina explains, ’Unfortunately, a minority of patients actually see their prescribing physician at the required frequency after they start an antidepressant, I think that’s a critical mistake made by many clinicians.

Anyone who suffers from mental illness or from damage caused by medication should be made aware by doctors that there are other approaches to treatment. Dr. Pillay encourages broader and more flexible ways of thinking. He wonders, ’Should we not be aware of not falling into the trap of just explaining every life event as a mental illness? I always discourage people from looking at themselves through the lens of their diagnosis. It’s really important to realize that the picture of yourself extends far beyond your specific vulnerabilities. It is important to encourage people to not limit their identity by looking at themselves through the lens of mental illness.

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