What Triggers Sleepwalking?
Zenobia Zaiwalla, a consultant neurophysiologist discusses how sleepwalking can occur in ages two to seventy. There are three different symptoms that are common in people who sleepwalk due to suddenly waking up.
The first symptom is when you wake up, with your eyes open and aware of your surroundings, and you feel like there’s something that needs to be done before going back to sleep. The second symptom is when you wake up from a nightmare and express tears or any other kind of emotion that makes you feel that the dream was real.
The third symptom is the most complex behaviour most commonly triggered by stress, especially in people who have a hard time letting go of their emotions. They begin to involve themselves in activities in a half awake and half asleep state.
Other causes that trigger sleepwalking, and how to manage it are further discussed along with methods of treatment.
Image provided by medineo
Sourced: NHSChoices
Curated: @KatherineNader, an online editor at Arbitrage Magazine, is the author of The Deadly Mark. She is a student of Biology, English, and Professional Writing at the university of Toronto.
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